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Monday, August 29, 2011

Thirroul Men's Shed should be supported


Tuesday August 30 - The Thirroul Men's Shed (TMS) has been seeking a suitable space or land in the Northern Illawarra from Wollongong City Council since last year. Jess Moore, Community Voice candidate for Ward 1 stated:

"Men's Sheds play a vital social role, particularly in communities with high unemployment like Wollongong.

"All candidates should commit to working with and supporting the Thirroul Men's Shed. It's a commitment to put community building and health and well-being first.

“It’s a commitment to ensure their vital role in the community continues, regardless of the election outcome.

"A full list of Council owned properties, their current usage, and any lease agreements should be made public. This could help community groups find existing facilities that are suitable and available.

Thirroul Men’s Shed have found suitable land at McCauley Park in Thirroul, categorized as 'community land', that they requested under public submission in May this year. They have still not had a response from the Administrators.

"The Thirroul Men's Shed is exactly the kind of thing Council property or community land should be used for."

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