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Friday, August 19, 2011

Why are the walls shaking?


Friday August 19, 2011 - The authorities must come clean with Stanwell Tops and Helensburgh residents over mysterious explosions that have been shaking their walls, according to Jess Moore, Community Voice Ward 1 candidate.

“Explosion have been occurring in excess of 20 per day at times, and no-one will tell residents why,”
said Moore.

“These explosions intensified in March to May this year and have started again this month.”

“It’s outrageous that the people of Stanwell Tops and Helensburgh are subject to such an abuse of their rights.”

“Residents have contacted Wollongong City Council and local state and federal MPs. Council referred them to the state government who could not provide an explanation.”

“They’ve been told it’s not the Holsworthy Army Base, Peabody Metropolitan Coal, trackwork or geological instability.”

“What’s causing the explosions and how can something this invasive happen without residents knowledge?

“Is it seismic testing for coal seam gas mining in the region, that is so opposed by the community?

“Council has a responsibility to investigate, provide answers and take action to protect local residents,” said Moore.

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